Let’s set up your trading companion. Click setting tab at the bottom.
*Previous day settings will be considered as default settings
*Settings can only be changed during non-market hours (Pre 9:15AM and Post 3:30 PM)
Risk/Reward & Money Management
R/R is used to calculate your stoploss and target price.
Default value: 1.5

- Risk/Reward (R/R) setting reflects in the buy window as shown below.
- Checking Place SL order will place a stop loss order along with the buy order.
- If SL gets hit, position will be squared off.
- Target Price (TP) shown in buy window is for indicative purpose only. We are not placing any Target order.
- If target gets hit our position will not be squared off.

Risk Profile
In case, market goes in opposite direction
- Risk/Trade is the amount of money you are ready to lose in a trade.
- System Stop Loss (SSL) is the amount of money you are ready to lose in a day.

Save Profit
- Intention: After a significant gain, percentage of it should be protected.

Stoploss Profile

1Click Trade
1click trade buttons on dashboard will follow these settings in auto mode.

Maximum Number of Trades/Day
- Default value: 4
- Maximum value: 10
- Intention: Prevent Overtrading
- Once you take these many trades, TradeA1 will deactivate your options segment using kill switch.
- Refer: Trade Management to know more about trade counting.

Automatic Square-off
- Default Value: Disabled
- Intention: Prevent BIG LOSSES/Prevent Overtrading/Save Profit

Immediately Block me for the day
It will immediately deavtivate BSE F&O and NSE F&O segments on your account using Kill Switch feature of Zerodha. Once a segment is deactivated, it cannot be activated for the next 12 hours.
- Intention: Prevent Trading from Kite account for 12 hours (on both desktop & mobile app)
- Important Note: It will not be automatically activated after 12 hours, you will have to go to the same page and activate it manually, otherwise you won't be able to place orders even after 12 hours.